🎈Christopher Wool Book 🎈
🎈Published on the occasion of the first survey of Wool's work at the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art from July to October 1998, this book features all of this artist's work to date. Drawn from sources in everyday or vernacular culture, Wool's imagery has ranged from the rolled "wallpaper" images of flowers, vines, or dots, to using rubber-stamps, stencils, or silkscreens. Working with language as image since the late 1980s, Wool has restructured words ("prankster", "adversary", "comedian", "paranoic", "riot", "fool") or common phrases ("cats in the bag", "the show is over", "run dog run") into all-over compositions of stencilled block letters that traverse or grid the picture plane while maintaining the integritiy of their meaning. Recently, Wool has turned from the techniques of image construction to exploring methods of image destruction in the silkscreened, overpainted, and spraypainted works of the mid-1990s.
Format Hardcover Book, 296 pages
Publisher Scalo Publishers (Unknown)
ISBN-13 9783931141912
ISBN-10 3931141918
Language English
Edition Unknown
Dimensions 8.70 x 11.45 x 1.10 inches